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Tabset widget

This page contains examples of the PAX tabset; one is from HTML markup, and the other is generated from javascript.

Example 1: Unobtrusive tabset from HTML

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This tabset is generated from HTML markup (a form)
Note that it includes the show all toggle button in the top right, this button shows all tabs at once on top of eachother.

Example 2: Dynamic tabset from javascript only

The above tabset is generated using javascript only; the first tab is an iframe, then 2nd tab is a PAX Template, which is loaded via ajax, and then rendered, and the 3rd tab is simply static text.
This tabset has the width set to 100%, and uses the default height.

Example 3: Dynamic and static tabset

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The above tabset is generated using both javascript, and HTML markup. Note that we set the option to show static tabs first.